Sherry’s artwork focuses on texture and its resonance with the subject. She often uses printmaking techniques such as collagraph, monoprint, and drypoint to create images incorporating the tactile and detailed aspects of her subject, such as plants, animals and scenery. The artwork itself is sometimes embossed or has a texture to its surface.

Sherry enjoys sketching and making art of the plants and wildlife in her garden and in the surrounding Cambridgeshire countryside. Her art may also include influences from her travels and work farther afield. She often draws on her work in biological sciences and reflects her keen interest in biodiversity.

Sherry’s work is included in The Illustrated Garden and Limited Edition, both books are published Mascot Media. She exhibits regularly with the Cambridge Drawing Society and participates in Cambridge Open Studios, opening her studio in Elsworth where she also runs occasional printmaking workshops having studied printmaking at the Curwen Print Studio.