Vanessa Bowman - Walk in the Snow

Vanessa Bowman - Walk in the Snow

Nicholas Hely Hutchinson - Winter Morning

Nicholas Hely Hutchinson - Winter Morning

Vanessa Bowman - December Morning

Vanessa Bowman - December Morning

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Vanessa Bowman - Hare and Holly & Hare in the Snow

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Debbie George - Seasons Greetings & Snowdrops in a Cup

Hannah Cole - Christmas Jumpers

Hannah Cole - Christmas Jumpers

Liane Payne - Waxwings

Liane Payne - Waxwings

Emily Maude - Mistle Thrush

Emily Maude - Mistle Thrush

Emily Sutton - Finch and Berries

Emily Sutton - Finch and Berries

Lottie Cole - Christmas Horse

Lottie Cole - Christmas Horse

Samuel Winterbourn - Turtledoves, The Gift of Peace

Samuel Winterbourn - Turtledoves, The Gift of Peace

Victoria Whitlam - Robin and Oak Leaves

Victoria Whitlam - Robin and Oak Leaves

Jane Robins - Snowdrops

Jane Robins - Snowdrops

Jill Leman - The Night Before Christmas

Jill Leman - The Night Before Christmas
